Friday, April 30, 2010

0.9.2 released, with http auth

0.9.2 supports HTTP authentication, meaning forums on HTTP password protected sites. For example some intranets do this. Note that this is different from HTTP post authentication which is the common way of user authentication on forums. You can have both HTTP auth and HTTP post authentications on a single forum.

Also various minor fixes and enhancements as always are included.

If you wonder what happened to 0.9.1, it was also released but was just a minor release fixing
some bugs not worth of mentioning here.

Hauskaa Wappua!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

0.9.0 Released with sync support!

Siilihai 0.9.0 has been released to Ubuntu repository and github. This release fixes several bugs, probably adds some new ones, and enables synchronization of message read status.

What does syncing mean?

Syncing is only useful if you use Siilihai on multiple computers. Siilihai uploads list of messages which have read to server when you quit it. When you start Siilihai on another computer, it downloads the list and applies it to the current state. This way your readers stay in sync always.

Release notes:

- There have been a lot of invisible changes in this release. There may be some crasher bugs still left.

- Syncing can be enabled or disabled in the settings.

- Sometimes for example the order of synced messages may be wrong. Switch to another group and then back to update the list properly.

- Your message database will be reset after the upgrade.

- Groups and Messages that your client doesn't know about are displayed as "?"'s. Click "Reload" and they should change to the real names. This will be automated later.

Please test this and report any bugs you find!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

0.8.2 released, most stable reader ever

I just pushed 0.8.2 to git and Ubuntu ppa repositories. It now has all known crasher bugs fixed. If you find one, please report it to siilihai (a) or to the mailing list.

Next I'll probably begin work on syncing. I'd like to get it working asap as i need it myself to make Siilihai useful. I have 2 PC's home, 2 at work and i want the read status to be synced between all of them.

But for now, enjoy the most stable and functional reader ever released.