Sunday, December 29, 2013

Siilihai-mobile for Android released!

Finally the Android version of Siilihai-mobile 2.0 is available. It uses 100% same code as the Jolla Sailfish version.

It can also be considered beta quality. It has not been tested it on real hardware yet.


If you don't know how to install .apk file on your device, try these instructions.

In future it will probably be uploaded to some app stores (Google Play & Yandex for example) for easy installation.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Siilihai-mobile for Jolla Sailfish released! (Updated: 30.12.2013)

I'm proud to announce availability of Sailfish version of Siilihai-mobile. It is an almost complete rewrite of the old Siilihai-mobile for Nokia Harmattan and i call it "version 2.0".

The ui works, but still requires some tuning. Known issues:
  • Password entries show password in plain text.

Consider this beta quality, and please report any issues you find.

On technical side, the new siilihai-mobile uses only standard QML elements - it does not use Sailfish or any other components that would break portability. Android version with 100% same source code to follow soon.

Download at:

Installation (while waiting for Harbour store acceptation):
  • Download the rpm
  • Go to developer mode
  • Open terminal
  • devel-su (password is nemo)
  • cd /home/nemo/Downloads
  • pkcon install-local siilihai*.rpm

Latest update: 30.12.2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.14 released

This (and the other minor releases between) contain mostly some bugfixes. Available for Ubuntu & Windows.

Siilihai mobile version has been getting some attention. The new version will be based solely on standard Qt 5.1 QML controls which are available on all platforms (desktop, MeeGo, Android). The mobile code is getting also some major refactoring and the codebase is getting smaller as things are made a bit more smartly.

Old Siilihai mobile used MeeGo Harmattan components which made it impossible to port to other platforms.

The new mobile version is already working nicely, but missing some vital features such as login/registration and group subscription management.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.12 released

This one contains:

 - Several fixes to TapaTalk protocol support.
 - Group hierarchy is now shown in group list and group subscription dialog. This helps differentiating between groups with same name in large forums.
 - Win32 release now contains openssl dll's which are required to access https forums.  - Win32 release is no longer portable software, sorry. Windows versions since Vista require admin access to write to application directory and this has caused an unnecessary authentication dialog. Windows version now stores settings in the default location. This probably causes settings to be lost but if you use a Siilihai account, your subscriptions will be synced back to you when you log in.

 - Some other general bugfixes and refactoring as usual.

Thanks for everyone who have reported bugs!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.10 released

Contains some fixes to authentication and TapaTalk protocol (thanks to ppl at #skrolli and TapaTalk forums).

And i forgot to note that this and previous versions use Qt 5 as default. Should also build with 4.x for now but the support may be dropped some day.

Lin+Win only, Mac version to be done if this one works well enough.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.9 released

Fixes some bugs found in previous versions.

Currently available for Linux & Windows, Mac version available hopefully soon.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Siilihai-mobile for Harmattan updated

It's built against latest version of library - meaning less bugs. Download here:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Siilihai-mobile currently unavailable

Nokia has pulled the plug from so siilihai-mobile for Harmattan is no longer available. It will be uploaded to some time soon. Sorry for this.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.7 released

..just fixes a crasher (assert) in libsiilihai caused when login to TapaTalk forum results in unexpected response.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Siilihai-mobile 1.0.2 released

No UI changes, but built against current version of Siilihai library which has some bugfixes. Available for MeeGo Harmattan and Mer.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.6 released

- Parser maker was broken (wouldn't list groups), now fixed.
- Give warning instead of assert (looks like a crash) if a TapaTalk server sends unexpected message.

Available for Ubuntu & Windows.

I have also started work to build Siilihai on Qt5. 99% of the code is the same, but remaining 1% requires a little effort. The latest Windows build is built on Qt5.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.5 released

Contain another small fix for crash in very rare conditions. For Ubuntu quantal & windows.

Next major planned feature: posting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.4 released

This version fixes at least one difficult to reproduce crasher bug. Siilihai has been perfectly stable when testing this fix so currently there are no known crasher bugs left.

This release is for Ubuntu & Windows. Mac build possibly later. Last mobile version already contains the fix.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Siilihai-mobile 1.0.1 released

A new mobile version for Harmattan & MeeGo released. Contains a new version of libsiilihai featuring a variety of bugfixes.

Download links at

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Siilihai 2.2.3 released, fixes some bugs

2.2.3 (and short-lived 2.2.2) fix some bugs in the code:

 - TapaTalk forums wouldn't download more than 20 messages. Implemented support for long threads in TapaTalk. - Forum authentication was not properly synced if changed to a already-subscribed forum.
 - At least a couple of crash bugs and so me other minor issues.

Released for Ubuntu and Windows.

Edit: Windows version now released.