Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Siilihai 2.5.0 released

New major visible feature is Discourse forum support. Discourse is a nice FOSS web forum software which has it's own API for reading messages. No TapaTalk needed for Discourse forums. Currently only reading Discourse forums is supported, but posting will be added later.

If you are starting a new forum, I can recommend using Discourse as the software.

Under the hood there have been a lot of refactoring and cleanups. Goal is to use 100% same c++ code on the desktop and mobile UI versions of the reader. There is no mobile version of 2.5.0 yet available, but that should follow soon.

This release is available for Ubuntu (Wily & Xenial) and Windows. Please give feedback if you like it and have a nice summer!


  1. Does 2.5 work right now? I've tried it on Windows and also compiled the development version from git on linux. I can't make them download parsers or add forums by url.

  2. I'll make a new build anytime soon. There have been a lot of fixes in git. If you use Ubuntu, you can install fairly recent version from the software center.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. It's SUCH a good idea and I really want to make it work for me.

  4. Should there be a getforum.xml and getparser.xml in your site's /api/ dir? The program appears to be looking for stuff there and is erroring out.

    I pasted the output from comand line in this pastebin: pastebin.ca/3783484

  5. Hi, could you contact me at siilihai@siilihai.com. I could use help with testing the releases. This is a one man project so things are slow.
    I'm trying to get a new Windows build out soon.
